Kingston Brooch

Barham Downs History Society


Our April meeting welcomed Len Howell giving his talk “Rehearsing Armageddon : Fallex 62 and the Regional Seats of Government” relating to a period that many of us can recall.

In May we go back a few centuries to the mid 17th. century. John Dixwell, who lived at Broome Park and was a former governor of Dover Castle, was one of those who signed King Charles 1 death warrant. These regicides became hunted when Charles II reclaimed the throne. John escaped to Europe and later America. Sarah Dixwell Brown is his seventh great-granddaughter and has researched his life. She is over from America to give a series of talks across the country including Barham. In our case, she will be at St John’s Church Barham on Tuesday 14th. May at 7.30pm. This is a free talk and open to all and we encourage everyone to come and hear about this event in our national and local history.

In June we are going to Bletchley Park as a follow-up to the talk we had from David Sterne last year. This trip is now fully booked.

With a new season commencing in September the committee are particularly interested in hearing from you about topics for meetings that would be of interest to you, either new subjects or hearing more about something we have already covered.

We continue to be on the lookout for more photographs, documents, papers and other items which can either be copied, photographed or retained by the society according to the individual’s preference. Please help us so that our local history can be recorded and available for future generations.


David Wood

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